When will you get married or get into relationship
When will you get married or in a new relationship:
In astrology the 5th house from the ascendant shows love affairs and the 7th house from the ascendant indicates the first Marriage and the 9th indicates the second marriage, besides this the planets Venus and Mars indicates wife and husband respectively, the planet Mercury indicates the second husband / wife.
Jupiter is the significator of the soul, Jupiter takes 12 years to make a complete rotation of the natural zodiac. This time period is called the cycle of jupiter. The first cycle is from 1 year to 12th year age, the second cycle starts after the 12th birth day and continues upto the 24th birth day, the third cycle is from 24th birth day upto 36th birth day and the 4th cycle is between 36th birthday and 48th birthday, the fifth cycle is between 48th birthday upto 60th birthday.
Mostly in their 2nd, 3rd or sometimes in the 4th cycle or 5th cycle people get into new relationship, while making predictions always consider the native, the time period we are living in and the place or country.
You can start a new relationship when:
The planet jupiter or saturn (for male chart) is touching the natal venus or transiting in the 5th 7th or 9th sign from the natal venus, the male native may either get into a relationship or get married.
The planet Jupiter or Saturn (for female chart) is touching the natal Mars or transiting in the 5th 7th or 9th sign from the natal Mars, the female native may either get married or get into a relationship.
When the Maha dasha and antar dasha you are going through is of the planets associated with your 5th and 11th house you may find a new relationship.
When the Maha dasha and antar dasha are related to the 7th and the 11th house, you may get into a relationship or get married.