The Five Parts of PANCHANG
The word Panchang is a combination of two separate word Panch and Ang, Panch means five and Ang literally means parts of body but here we can say it refers to the parts of Panchang. The five parts of Panchang are : Vaar, Nakshatra,Tithi, Yoga and Karan.

Vaar means week days; there are seven planets in Vedic Astrology and two nodes, the Vaar are named after the planets as Ravi (Sun), Som (Moon), Mangal (Mars), Budh (Mercury), Brihaspati (Jupiter), Sukra (Venus), and Shani (Saturn). These Vaars has a connection with Hora. An Hora is of the span of one hour. They have a particular order : Sun – Venus – Mercury – Moon – Saturn – Jupiter – Mars; if you notice you will see that the week days began with Sunday and then Moon (Monday) is fourth from the Sun, again Mars (Tuesday) is fourth from Moon, Mercury (Wednesday) is fourth from Mars and so on.
There are twenty seven nakshatras and each nakshatra has four padas or parts, each pada measuring 3 minutes 20 seconds in a zodiac sign. These nakshatras have particular position in the natural zodiac.
Tithi means reduction and it is obtained by the difference of longitude of Sun and Moon. There are thirty Tithis in a lunar month distributed to the 360 degrees of the natural zodiac. Each Tithi has a span of 12 degrees in the natural zodiac. The first Tithi began with the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon (Amavasya/New Moon). When the Moon goes ahead of the Sun by 12 degrees, a new Tithi began, and when the Moon is at 180 degees from the Sun (15 days), full Moon/Purnima occurs. There are 14 Tithis repeating in the two hexcluding excluding Purnima (when Moon is 180 degrees from Sun) and Amavasya (when Moon conjuncts Sun). From Amavasya/Purnima, the Tithis are Padyami, Dwitiya, Tritiya, Chathurthi, Panchami, Shasthi, Saptami, Asthami, Navami, Dashami, Ekadashi, Dwadashi, Troyodashu, and Chaturdashi.
Yoga is found out by addition of the longitude of the Sun and the Moon, there are twenty seven nakshatras and the same numbers of yoga. The yoga starts with Vishkambha ruling the nakshatra named Pushyami. Yoga is very important in shaping one’s future. Since there are 27 nakshatras and 27 Yogas so each nakshatra has a particular yoga assigned to it, nakshatras are again ruled by a planet; this planet is called the Birth Yogi, and with all the other factors, the birth yogi has a role in shaping one’s future. To locate the Yoga point in the horoscope and find the birth yogi, simply add the longitude of the Sun and Moon with 3 degrees 3 minutes 20 seconds, as it is the yoga point of the first yoga named Vishkambha.
The word Karana means taking up an act, each Thithi contains two Karana; there are eleven Karanas. Although it is helpful in fixing muhurta; the birth Karana of a native will attribute significant natural characteristics to the native as per the nature of the Karana. The Karanas are : Bhava, Balaca, Koulava, Taithula, Kharaji, Vanji, Bhadra, Sakuni, Chatusupada, Nagava, Kimsthugnam.