Mrigsheera Nakshatra

10 months ago
Manifesting happy married life Praying to Mrigsheera nakshatra ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I was researching some hidden meanings of stars and how they can help us heal internally .. I found , when we want peace and harmony Mrigsheera is the best star.. If there is a problem between husband and wife; or they are separated but wish to unite; When nothing is going good in married life ;constant fights are patterns .. whatever the fight may be this star will bring them together .. It is very helpful to convince and persuade others .. If Husband and wife were fighting too much, on the day of Mirugasheera they can remarry again. Or mentally we can do it for them. Unite any two people.. Why it’s an important Star—- ???????????????????????????????????? There is a story behind this star. Lord Siva and Goddess Parvati marriage took place in this star. Parvati maa was born in this star (Pa – prana). The ruling deity is “Goddess Parvati”, Because Mrigashira is the birth star of “Goddess Durga” who is none other than Goddess Parvathi”, born in Spring Season.