Importance of Your Breathe in Astrology

6 months ago
IMPORTANCE OF YOUR BREATHE IN ASTROLOGY: There are five basic elements in the Universe: Ether, Air, Fire, Earth and Water. Our body is a microcosmos made up of these five great elements. There are three main nadis in our body: Ida or the Chandra (Moon) nadi, Pingla or the Surya (Sun) nadi. Besides these two there is Sushumna nadi. Ida Nadi is conndcted to the left nostril and Pigla nadi is connected to the right nostril. Prana Vayu (breathe) flows through the ida nadi (left noses) and pingla nadi (right nostril) alternatively and sometimes through Sushumna nadi (both nostrils). Generally after one house the breathe flow changes from one nostril to the other. In one hour the 5 elements raises, the duration of each elements are : Earth element 20 mins, Water element 16 minutes, Fire element 12 mins, Air element 8 mins and Ether element 5 mins. All static and good works such as marriage, setting out for travel, religious rites, begining of construction of house, partnership, starting new job or business etc should be done on Mondays, Wednesday, Thrusdays and Fridays when the breathe is flowing through left nostril when Earth or Water element is raising. Work such as going for a difficult work or mission, meeting govt officer, going to court, sensual enjoyment, physical exercise, construction of machinaries purchase or sell of pet animals, going to a difficult terrain, going to meet some unknown person,dispute etc should be done on Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays when the breathe is flowing to right nostril and the element rising is Earth/water, sometimes these can be done under Air/Fire elements too. Meditation or spiritual practices should be started when breathe is flowing through both nostrils, the element can be any of the five, although ether element is preferable.