Government Job yog in Astrology

9 months ago
If there is Saturn-Sun conjunction in the birth chart, many people call it Pitridosh or Vrishadosh. Many people get scared after hearing the name of this connection. Having this connection in Janma Kundali gives not only inauspicious results but also some good results. Briefly discussed below about this yoga in Janma Kundali. According to Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Jyotish if there is conjunction of Saturn sun in birth chart result is as follows. If there is this connection, the native will be likely to be associated with some work under the government. This connection is found in the birth charts of many famous people like politicians, industrialists, actors/actresses. Note- It is necessary to see the whole birth chart. If there is another connection, the result will change. (General Result) Regards -Astro Jayanta . Om namo shivay ????????