Those who have this type of heart line shown by small arrow, are more emotional, less relationship management skills, they have less logic, do whatever comes to mind in emotional situations. These people are liked by all as they are helpful to others but not to self. Due to this nature they often fall in to risk.
And observe the head line shown by big arrow, which is joined by life line for a long period and wavy going to the moon mount. These people are less independent, less practical. Less focus. Slightly fearfull. जिन लोगों की हृदय रेखा इस प्रकार की होती है और जिसे छोटे तीर से दर्शाया जाता है, वे अधिक भावुक होते हैं, रिश्तों को संभालने का कौशल कम होता है, उनमें तर्क कम होता है, भावनात्मक स्थितियों में जो मन में आता है वही करते हैं। ये लोग