Amavasya and Remedies

10 months ago
Amavasya Remedy-Observations. over the past years of doing this karmic Remedy of donating kheer to any pandit/ priest in a temple ,and regularly on Amavasya specifically during the Hora of the planet where Rahu sits in the chart found some miraculous events/results and at times manifestations of desires in the exact nature or solutions to your problems where you're stuck in life. yes Initially there's frequent obstacles in it's deliverance, like you won't get temples or pandit may refuse to accept or you get engaged in those days or times etc In continuation to the above experience, I would like to share few feedbacks of natives who somehow strictly adhered to this - at least 7 of them confirmed that on Various Amavasyas they suddenly encountered old persons ( males or females ) asking for specific eatables and virtually all related this to their ancestors who loved / special likings of that item. And eventually got considerable relief in their obstacles. The experience in itself is giving solace and at the same time indicates some enigmatic clues I request and eager to hear others experiences in this Donation , especially on Amavasyas - which was regularly emphasized by Pandits of parampara ,time to time for the betterment of all , as almost 97 percent of the chart upon evaluation is found affected by ancestral curse in one way or the other - only manifestation differs.